Visit Our Library

Our extensive collection of books on printing, typography, and design is now available for research and review at NBLA. This treasure trove of knowledge spans centuries of artistic and technical evolution, offering invaluable insights for enthusiasts, students, and professionals alike. Thanks to the tireless efforts of David Dodd, our full catalogue is also accessible online. You can browse or search the collection here: North Bay Letterpress Arts Library.


Ten notable books from the Library

In addition to acquiring, organizing and making available his collection of presses, type and equipment, NBLA’s founder Eric Johnson has also compiled a serious library of books about printing, typography & related subjects. Since many of us have benefited from the collection and Eric's fondness for demonstrating their relevance, NBLA has asked him to call attention to, and highlight, ten books from the library. Click on the icons below to read brief descriptions and view galleries highlighting each one.

Copy composed by Eric Johnson but the project, photography and design all choreographed and arranged by Derek Bacchus.